School Visits / Conferences / Skype
My program is very fexible and I encourage input.
Whether an adult presentation or a school visit,
everyone becomes an author and illustrator as my program
is very hands-on and interactive. My programs consist
of the writing and illustration process. We discuss the
ingredients of a story. Just like a recipe, if you leave out one
ingredient, the story tastes flat. We cover the three necessary
ingredients of a good story and cover the six traits of writing.
Story arcs and how to write a satisfactory ending are
also important. The illustrating part includes the process
from thumbnails and sloppy copies to the finished illustration.
I use actual book dummies of some of my books and watch
one illustration from conception to finished art.
Each participant draws the same illustration along with me.
It’s fun to let everyone see how each of us do things differently.
The main point of my program is “It’s good to be and do
things differently from others. That’s what makes you special!”
Also doing FaceTime/Skype or live audio right from my studio!